The Maryvale Sisters, located in Vale, North Carolina, are dedicated to living the spirit of the gospel, by seeing Christ in everyone we meet. Through our motto, “For me to live is Christ”, we minister to all people.
Our day care school invites all children regardless of their race or religion to come and receive early education.
We teach Christ in faith formation, to adults and children, some who have never heard of Him.
Our food bank helps us feed those who are hungry, and our spiritual counseling gives us the opportunity to help those who have lost sight of Him.
Our daily worship of the Liturgy of the Hours and Meditation sustains us as women of faith to live our vows.
And, our small farm helps to supplement our income.
Our life is simple and happy, in the knowledge that we are examples of Christ in our area.
For more information, please contact Sister Mary Francis at Maryvale Motherhouse.
2522 June Bug Rd, Vale, NC 28168 or email us at [email protected]